Contact Us, and Begin Your Interior or Exterior Painting Project Today
At Varsity Painters, we don’t believe in gimmicks. Instead, we’re committed to offering our best prices and highest quality work at all times. We work closely with you to determine your project’s precise needs – from color selection to number of coats to type of paint. We look forward to working with you.
5416 Chicago Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55417
(O) 952-938-3886
(D) 952-212-4317

Interior Painting
The colors and textures of your interior spaces play a big part in creating the feel of home. Whether you’re looking to update old kitchen cabinets, get rid of popcorn ceilings, paint a room, or embark on another daunting interior project, we can help!
Exterior Painting
When it comes to the exterior of your home, there are lots of factors to consider: where does the sun hit? What colors will fit with your home and neighborhood’s style? How many coats does your home require?
At Varsity, we don’t just offer exterior painting – we help you plan it. Click here to learn more!
Commercial Painting
Take your business to the next level! Whether you’re looking to create a cohesive look in a chain of restaurants, add beauty and value to your townhome development, or simply put a new coat of paint on the walls of your school or business, we can help.
We’ll do quick, quality work – so that you can get down to business! Learn more here!
Request Your FREE Evaluation and Quote Now.
Curious about whether Varsity Painters is the right choice for you? The best way to decide is to schedule your FREE evaluation. This will give you the chance to talk with one of our owners about your project, discuss your needs, and get an accurate, no-obligation quote. Fill out the form below, and request your evaluation today.
Are You an Experienced Painter Looking for a Reputable Place to Work?
Click here to download an employee application.
Lauren, Minneapolis
Lauren, Minneapolis
Heidi, Eagan
Heidi, Eagan
Michele, Edina
Michele, Edina
Dan, Burnsville
Dan, Burnsville
Kevin & Jill, Bloomington
Kevin & Jill, Bloomington